Crossway Foundations is an opportunity to learn more about Crossway’s beliefs, vision, values, and practices, and to grow deeper in them.
- Are you exploring Crossway?
- Crossway Foundations is a great opportunity to get to know our church more. Who are we? Why are we here? What makes us unique? What do we share with other churches in the community and around the world? This is a great way to learn more.
- Would you like to explore being a ‘member of the family’?
- For those who are interested in becoming a ‘member of the Crossway family’, Crossway Foundations is a key part of that journey. You are loved and valued, whether or not you becoming a member, and you can serve and be served in so many ways without becoming a member. Yet there are some important reasons to consider that step. To learn more go to Being a Member of the Crossway Family.
- Are you already a member and want to grow deeper in our vision and in relationships?
- Crossway Foundations is a great way to go deeper in our understanding of God’s call to us as a church, and to do that with other people. We love the vision of mixing new people with more seasoned people in this journey that God has for us as a church
We are regularly organizing new opportunities for interactions around these materials and would love to have you be a part of it! Contact Pastor John for more information:
Participating in Crossway Foundations
Crossway Foundations provides you with a set of resources to get to know Crossway more, as well as opportunities to grow in relationships with others who are doing the same thing.
- The resources are online videos and text, broken into small chunks, to look at our beliefs, our values, and our practices as a church.
- The opportunities to grow in relationships are times to meet with other people, whether online, in-person, or a combination, to process these resources together
Our general pattern
Each year, we run one or more sessions of sessions for Foundations. We hold a series of 5 gatherings for conversations based on the following materials. We’ll schedule the times based upon the availability of people who express interest, so let Pastor John know if you would like to be included.
For Fall 2024, the sessions are:
- 2 sessions on What we Believe (October 8 and 15)
- 2 sessions on What we Value (October 29 and November 12)
- 1 session on Our Practices as a Church (November 19)
This is followed by individual or small group sessions with the pastor or another elder.
The resources
Below are key resources, and they are available as text (the “Transcripts”) or video. They focus on what we believe, what we value, and our practices as a church.
What we believe
We have our doctrine information in 2 formats:
- Doctrine, Devotion, Duty Transcript * Video
- Point 1: God Part 1 Transcript * Video, Part 2 Transcript * Video
- Point 2: The Bible Transcript * Video
- Point 3: Human Condition Transcript * Video
- Point 4: Jesus Christ Transcript * Video
- Point 5: The Work of Christ Transcript * Video
- Point 6: The Holy Spirit Transcript * Video
- Point 7: The Church Transcript * Video
- Point 8: Christian living Transcript * Video
- Point 9: Christ’s return
- Point 10: Response and eternal destiny Transcript * Video
- Here is the Statement of Faith along with Scripture references. This is a wonderful resource to support further study and exploration of these ideas.
What we value
- Vision of our church (form 1) * Transcript * Video
- Vision of our church (form 2) * Transcript * Video
- Journey of Growth in this Vision * Transcript * Video
- The Forces that Shape Each Person * Transcript * Video
- Core Value 1: The Bible * Transcript * Video
- Core Value 2: The Holy Spirit * Transcript * Video
- Core Value 3: Diverse Unity * Transcript * Video
- Core Value 4: Priesthood of All Believers * Transcript * Video
- Core Value 5: Wholeness of our Humanity Given to God * Transcript * Video
- Core Value 6: Superabounding Grace and Complete Obedience * Video
- Cultural Triangle * Transcript * Video
- Cultural Triangle and Worship * Transcript * Video
- Worldview Triangle * Transcript * Video
Our practices as a church
- Evangelical Free Church
- Crossway Multinational Church
- Optional
The final step for formal membership at Crossway includes completing this membership request form (Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat) and returning to the pastor or one of the Board Member/Elders.
Contact John Bell ( if you have other questions or input.