

Ways to Pray at Crossway

Jesus taught us to pray. In fact, one of His specific lessons was that we “should always pray and not give up.” Luke 18:1.

We have several ways that we pray together

  • We pray when we gather for worship
  • We encourage people to pray whenever we meet together, whether in Life Groups, or as friends, or whatever the occasion
  • We have a “Prayer Chain” which is a special email list for those who agree to pray when they receive messages: see
  • We have a daily prayer email. Each day, you’ll get an email with the name and picture of someone at Crossway to pray for, sometimes also including their specific prayer request.
  • We encourage people to pray through the church photo directory
  • We have (roughly) monthly prayer gatherings, usually on Sundays. Watch for announcements
  • We are excited about other creative ideas for praying, both individually and together

Please write to to learn about any of these things or to get signed up for the prayer chain and daily prayer email.